Meet Aurora

“I saw a show about a girl who played the piano and sang and I wanted to do that too.”

Meet my new friend, 8 year old Aurora.  Her mom is a local school bus driver who is going through a contentious divorce.

Like any loving mother, she was devastated by the decision to cancel Aurora’s piano lessons, but was left with no choice.

Rawkstars, Inc learned of her plight and stepped in to alleviate the financial strain.  Our programs aren’t simply about teaching kids music.  They provide much needed consistency, positive role models and joy for kids to experience through their weekly lessons.

Aurora’s application says it perfectly: “I saw a show about a girl who played the piano and sang and I wanted to do that too.  I love my piano lessons.  They are fun!  This is my special time to do my music.  I love learning new songs and playing for my family.  Since my Dad left it is more important, it’s my time doing what I like.  It’s also time that I’m not on my tablet.  My teacher, Miss Jocelyn is very nice to me.”

Our deepest gratitude to everyone who makes it possible for local kids and families to feel loved and supported at the times when they are most vulnerable.

YOU = Rawkstars.

-JJ, Rawkstars Founder & Executive Director

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