Hip-Hop, music-production & career development workshops with at-promise youth in juvenile correctional facilities.


About the Program
Incarcerated youth face significant challenges in navigating their daily lives. Our program brings music to them and employs culturally relevant instructors that teach beat making, songwriting, lyrical expression and technical production. Rawkstars supplies all necessary equipment and collaborates closely with our host partners to ensure excellence in operations, execution and security.

Empowering Through History, Culture, and Career
BB&B goes BEYOND music and also features career workshops led by experts in providing insight and mentorship when it comes to using learned skills to build a life and career, upon release. The program also features seminars on the history of hip-hop, beginning from its roots in southern blues during times of slavery, evolving through the civil rights movement and continuing as a catalyst for social change today. These lessons help youth see their own history and culture through a new lens to envision a new future.

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